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Įrašai su žyme „startuoliai“
Here’s a common way startups die. They make something moderately appealing and have decent initial growth. They raise their first round fairly easily because the founders seem smart and the idea sounds plausible. But because the product is only moderately appealing, growth is ok but not great. The founders convince themselves that hiring a bunch of people is the way to boost growth. Their investors agree. But (because the product is only moderately appealing) the growth never comes.
Skaityti toliau…
Galų gale startuoliams turėtų būti svarbu, kad pritraukiami vartotojai atsiperka: keletą metų investuotojai lengvai dalijo pinigus ir nesibaidė nuostolingų verslų, bet ateityje taip lengva gali nebebūti.
Šaltinis: Unit Economics – Sam Altman